Thursday, 13 June 2019

A career useful website when searching for information

Well hello, today im gonna write about a site that i like the most when searching for information or relateds.

As said, the website that i like the most is definetively youtube, i mean... it is just so useful, it has content almost about all areas, im refering to the differents topics: mathematics, physics, genetic, etc. But is  useful only if used with knowledge, this beacuse im not gonna open youtube and expect to find everything at the level of complexity that im searching for, youtube is only useful to find the basics of any topic and then you can continue studying your books or etc, or move on on other sites that i think are usefull too, just in other aspects, im not gonna deny that wikipedia is indeed useful somtimes, but also the more trustfull sites of information, like the INIA, ODEPA, etc sites, these are just as useful but in other aspects, im just saying that in general, like, overall youtube is more useful... hell i would've surely failed calculus II if unicoos didnt exist (youtube channel), and im grateful for that (its not like odepa helped me to pass a complete assignature).

In conclusion...thanks unicoos and youtube, big fan here.


  1. there is always a mexican child ready to teach us anything on youtube
