Thursday, 13 June 2019

A subject that i enjoyed this semester

Well to be honest this semester has not been entertaining at all, i mean yeah, i have topics that i did not ever had studied yet, such as: animal production and enology, you can say that it is interesting to learn new stuff from the differents topics of your career, but it really is tiring, im not gonna dedicate my life to animal production or relateds, never ever, so i study only for knowledge that can be useful in one way or another, beacuse i still like agriculture, and all the matters, i mean you cant call yourself a good profesional if you know nothing about animals, and i mean really nothing, so i accept that, but is quite painful haha, altough i think like ive said before, is still painful to study something that is the bottom of your interests, but yeah.. i need to.

The best thing this semester is both:  the enology processes teacher and the agriculture systems teacher, they really make the information much lighter, and their personalities, i really like being in their classes.

Cool thing that i did this semester include: wine tasting, ''working'' with a teacher of the topic that i like and i gues thats all? i dont recall any other cool thing right now haha... well thats pretty sad.


  1. I also don't want to work with anything related to animal production but yes, we still need to know about it.

  2. iv been reading the posts of the classmates and the boring semester is kind of trend xd
